Communication Guidelines for Chairholders

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Public announcement of Chair appointments

When can I publicly announce my Canada 150 Research Chair appointment?

In keeping with standard Government of Canada practice, Canada 150 Research Chairs appointments cannot be released to the media or formally announced by universities or chairholders until the Government of Canada has made its official public announcement. These public announcements are held two times a year and are done in consultation with universities in order to gain maximum media exposure for all involved. Prior to this first public announcement, Canada 150 Research Chair appointments are confidential and should not be formally released to the public in any form.

Chairholder title

What is my chairholder title?

Your official chairholder title is "Canada 150 Research Chair in (your area of research)."

For example, your title might be "Canada 150 Research Chair in Fisheries Risk Assessment and Management," or "Canada 150 Research Chair in Fetal, Neonatal and Maternal Health"; or "Canada 150 Research Chair in Urbanization and Cultural Diversity"; all of which incorporate the area of research.

The title should not use symbols or short forms, e.g., use "and" instead of "&." It should also be short enough for the media to understand and use.

When can I start using my chairholder title?

In keeping with standard Government of Canada practice, Canada 150 Research Chairs appointments cannot be released to the media or formally announced by institutions or chairholders until the Government of Canada has made its official public announcement.For more information, refer to Public announcement of Chair appointments.

However, in order to ensure that this policy does not prevent you, as a chairholder, from meeting your research objectives, if there is a lag time between the effective start date of your appointment and the public announcement, you may “informally” use your title during this time (e.g., when recruiting students, on business cards, at conferences, on your CV, when applying for research funding, on your personal website, etc).

What is the benefit of using my chairholder title?

By making a conscious and continuous effort to use your Canada 150 Research Chair title, you are spotlighting your status as a researcher of excellence. By doing this, you elevate both your reputation as a world-class researcher and the value of the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program.

What if I am jointly funded and need to refer to my other source of funding in my title?

If you are jointly funded, we ask that you put the other funding partner's name first followed by "Canada 150 Research Chair" to keep the integrity of the title.

Potential examples of jointly-funded Chair titles:

  • Alan Edwards-Canada 150 Research Chair in Pain Control
  • Canadian Light Source-Canada 150 Research Chair for Materials Analysis
  • National Research Council-Canada 150 Research Chair in Attosecond Photonics
  • Rotman-Canada 150 Research Chair in Philosophy of Science
  • Zandmer-Canada 150 Research Chair in Hydrogen and Catalysis

Can I change my chairholder title?

Yes. To make the change official, please contact us at so that we can check for possible duplication and ensure that your new title is media friendly. Once it is approved, we will translate the title and make the necessary changes in our database and on our website.

Can I use my title after my term has ended?

Once your term has ended, you may refer to yourself as a former Canada 150 Research Chair, or as “former Canada 150 Research Chair in (your previous title).”

Publications, presentations and conferences

The guidelines for acknowledging Canada 150 Research Chairs Program support in professional communications are similar to those established by the three federal granting agencies.

In all professional publications, presentations and conferences, we ask you to identify yourself as a Canada 150 Research Chair and acknowledge the contribution of the program to your research. Please use the following wording for the acknowledgement:

"This research was undertaken, in part, thanks to funding from the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program."

When you are invited to speak publicly, we also ask you to ensure that you are identified as a Canada 150 Research Chair in the official event documentation (e.g., program, scenario, pamphlets, advertisements, etc.). If the topic of your speech lends itself to it, we ask that you mention that you are a Canada 150 Research Chair and how this benefits your research (i.e., the impact on your research and on the graduate students who work with you).

Website, business cards, letterhead, email signature

If you have your own website, we ask you to refer to your Canada 150 Research Chair title and hyperlink this reference to the Canada 150 Research Chairs website. In addition, we ask that any reference to your Canada 150 Research Chair on your university's website be hyperlinked to the Canada 150 Research Chairs website.

We also ask that you add your Canada 150 Research Chair title to your business card, letterhead and email signature.

Media and publicity

We encourage you to identify yourself in media interviews as a "Canada 150 Research Chair in (research discipline) at (name of institution)."

As well, if you produce an op-ed article, we ask that you give your official chairholder title along with your name.

If the Public Affairs office of your university is issuing any documents to the media that refer to your research, please ensure that your official chairholder title is featured.

Research results, honours and awards

Do I need to inform you about the results of my research?

We like to be informed about your research as a chairholder so that we can spotlight your accomplishments and build greater awareness of the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program.

Do I need to inform you about honours and awards I receive?

As with the results of your research, we like to be informed of any honours or awards you receive. We will often spotlight recently acknowledged chairholders by posting a timely news item in the News room on our website.

How often do I need to keep you updated?

There is no set schedule for keeping us up-to-date on your accomplishments and discoveries. We simply ask that you make a point of touching base with us when you feel you have something to share that is newsworthy.

Send us your news at

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